RENOVATE project
develops an attractive knowledge sharing platform that provides farmers with unique access to both new and existing training.

RENOVATE develops an attractive knowledge sharing platform that provides farmers with unique access to both new and existing training tools and renovated educational programs.
Increase the exchange of practical knowledge among farmers and advisors.
Enhance farmers' capacities to achieve sustainable crop management through the uptake of innovation.
Provide centralized access to attractive, motivating and understandable training resources such as serious games and gamified contents.
Facilitate legislative applicable information, best practices, practical and real data about the implementation of innovations in the field of plant protection optimization.
Focus on specialty crops that require larger amounts of Plant Protection Products (PPP) such as orchard fruits, vineyard, almonds, citrus, olive trees.
Build on resources developed by previous EU projects, including 14 EIP Agri Operational Groups.
Implement 15 Advanced Knowledge Transfer Actions (AKTAs) around Europe.

Project Phases

RENOVATE has been planned to undertake a series of Coordination and Support Actions
(CSA) that will ultimately result in the creation of a farmer-centered network that compiles and disseminates practical knowledge around sustainable crop protection methods.
The actions have been articulated and structured following an incremental approach, that stems from a deep initial assessment of the current situation of training, innovation and policy adoption by farmers in a first phase, towards to a second phase that develops a holistic platform using an iterative method
delivering attractive training options, to consolidate in a third phase an entire network of
knowledge, as a solution adapted to farmers’ real needs and expectations.

RENOVATE will address its activities to:
- Farmers, with special attention to young farmers, women and family-sized farms, who normally experience more difficulties in the adoption of new technologies;
- Advisors, as the key puzzle piece for an adequate knowledge transfer.
- Local authorities, responsible for mandatory training programs.
Phase I
RENOVATE will create Focus Groups with a representation of a varied range of stakeholders, in 6 countries: Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Poland and Portugal. For each focus group 3 co-creation working days will be organized. The organization will follow the established methodology of five stages:
- Design
- Participant recruitment
- Implementation
- Transcribing and analysis
- Findings and reporting
The information gathered will be processed through a qualitative analysis and will serve to define specifications of RENOVATE platform and envisaged training tools.
Want to take part of one of our foucs groups, fill the form to request your interest.
Join one of our focus groups!Phase II
RENOVATE will co-create a platform aimed at providing farmers centralized access to new and existing educational resources.
This platform will be a gamified app for smartphones/tablets in which users will find among others:
- Courses
- Simulators
- Catalogue of existing resources
- Communication area
- Personalized itineraries yielding to certifying mandatory training courses.
Phase III
RENOVATE will consolidate the network to share practical knowledge for farmers to access training and implement innovative solutions. This phase requires an establishment of a map for collaboration with public authorities (national and European Union), Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), the recently established European CAP Network, stakeholders of the agri-food sector, and influencing figures associations for the development of vocational education and training.
RENOVATE will contribute to the implementation of a solid collaboration, to fully meet the challenge of intensifying thematic cooperation between researchers, advisors and farmers.

In order to promote engagement, the application will be gamified, providing common rewards and feedback of all users’ activities.
The analysis of farmer’s intrinsic motivation factors in the First Phase will be key to select effective gamification elements.
The design will be a co-creation process involving end-users since the very beginning in an iterative approach. requesting feedback from final users in each iteration.
Compilation of training contents
- Existing and new theoretical training material will be compiled.
- New training contents around sustainable crop management and use of PPPs will be created .
- The pedagogical goals and training steps will be defined and transformed into serious games, game-based learning courses, gamified questionnaires, simulations and other visual appealing resources.
Practical and high-quality knowledge
AKTAs generate knowledge ready for practice such as level of investment, level of technology, quantification of PPP reduction, costs savings, time saving, yield improvement, pest/disease reduction, etc. They serve as a reference or practical training for farmers wanting to implement these solutions in their fields.
The project focuses on the following topics:
- Use of satellite imagery and nav for PPP application
- Variable rate application technologies
- Dose expression adjustment
- Smart control for monitoring and traceability
- DSS for PPP dose calculation
- Sprayer self-check tools
- Smart farm machinery
- Web-based tool
Selected AKTAs:
Following the cross-fertilization approach, the practical information obtained from the AKTAs will be the basis to design novel training packages tailored to the needs and opportunities of the different participating countries.
These new packages will contain best practice guides for advisors, authorities, associations and other organizations.
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Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101134024. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the REA can be held responsible for them.